Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Inside Mamma's home!

if anyone can tell me where this poster came from please share :)
Inside my mothers house is full of other amazing things.. like this poster that has been in our bathroom for at least 25 years (I can only vouch for how long I have been alive). I remember being little and looking up to the little girl.. and just loving how she was my size and in a poster!.. Then once I could read I loved it even more. Its simply great.

More bathroom photos.. this one looks like my mom would if she was relaxing in the tub.. She of course strategically placed it above her actual tub that looks identical.

This is a little window thing with sand dollars inside it.. very random.. but thats my mom!

Then there is little roadrunner man.. no idea where this came from but it has been there the past few times I have been home.. I enjoy it.

Where did this cute little soap dish come from?? and the soap itself is called green thumb.. how fun.

Monday, November 8, 2010


The trees in Santa Cruz Mountains are very tall... these are the trees in my side yard? ... They were right outside my window growing up.. I was on the side.. so side yard.

Living in Los Angeles for 5 years now makes me miss these trees sooo much! The last visit I decided to take some photos of my moms home inside and out.. I love going back to visit the little cabin in the woods that I grew up in..

Its funny how much I hated how far away I was from everything.. and now I would give ANYTHING to push the city away from me.

I will start outside on some things in my back yard.

first there is our old fireplace.. I believe we took it out when I was maybe 5 or 6.. and it is still in our yard.. My mom likes to treasure things.. Oh I am glad she does.

The fireplace was where my and my dolls would make dinner.. and my sister and her dolls would sit by the "fire" to keep warm.. It was a great thing to have in the yard.. and now it just looks cool.
There is a trail behind the fire.. covered in leaves because no human has traveled it in quite a few years. We used an old door as a bridge to cross over our creek and waterfall.

I didn't want to attempt to cross the bridge (door) as it would most likely cave in on first step. I think it was one of those hollow wood doors.. my mom always worried about us crossing it.. but we were little adventurists of course we were going to cross it.
Then we had to travel up and around the stump to get to the top of the waterfall.. then there was a little creek with bunches of sticks after it would rain.. I remember always trying to build stick forts.. that was great fun!

Down from the waterfall a bit there was another steep trail down to the creek.. I would have gone down this one even though it was soo covered in leaves.. but.. then.. I saw what the leaves were hiding.. huge ugly spiders.. I didnt end up heading down to the creek..

Then there are just few things that my mom has around the yard..

Sunday, September 19, 2010


One of my favorite things would be feathers.. especially worn in my hair. Even more than wearing them, I love making them. A friend of mine is going to be a gorgeous maid of honor in a friends wedding across the country and had requested a feather clip to wear for the day. So I went out to Mother Pluckers downtown LA and picked up tons of feathers that I thought would be great with her dress. We created one larger feather piece that would be amazing if she is going to be wearing her hair in a low side pony tail.

 There were thoughts however that would be constricting if the hairdresser she went to wasn't sure what to do with the big hair piece.. so we deciding to do a second feather night in order to create more options! We put our feathers together and created a small clip, and a dangly feather barrette.
small  clip and dangly barrette
dangly barrette

I believe I have sent her off with a good amount of choices for the day! I want to have more feather nights in the future!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


this is my first post.. I would like to introduce myself as an odd silly fantastic gal.. I started this blog to post inspiring things online.. I just want a place to go where I can look at great images that inspire me, great people.. and so forth.. I hope to have great posts in the future.. as I get the hang of this blogging down.

kern river
I would like to add my first inspirational photo.. I took this picture with my 35mm Nikon, around midnight without a flash and left the shutter open for about 1 minute.. I didn't have a tripod so made due with our table.. I hope you enjoy!

Nice to meet you!
- mahgen